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AG平台的 CurbIQ team partnered with 城市运动实验室(UML) in Summer 2021 on a curbside data collection pilot in Los Angeles. The pilot proved a blended approach of mobile mapping and manual surveying is a scalable and economical solution to digitizing curb inventories across North America.

83英里路缘 长度
4 数据收集区
2021 完成

AG平台的 CurbIQ team partnered with Urban Movement Labs on a pilot study across four Los Angeles neighborhoods to demonstrate how North American cities can quickly create a digital curb inventory.

The results showed that augmented mobile mapping can accurately collect curb regulations. 然而, a blended approach comprised of mobile mapping in low-to-medium density areas and manually surveying (by walking) in dense areas, 是一个更具可扩展性和经济性的解决方案吗.

The results of the pilot have significant implications for planning, 调节, 将城市路边空间的使用货币化. Although city officials understand the value and benefits of a digital curb inventory, the time and cost associated with collecting and maintaining curb inventory data have been a barrier. Our findings show that residential and low-density commercial streets, which make up most rights-of-way in North American cities, can be surveyed in up to one-eighth of the time it takes to map by foot, 相应降低成本.

路边数据对便利至关重要 控制管理 tools like dynamic curb regulations and pricing, which will lead to greater mobility and access for people and businesses on our streets. Now, with fewer barriers to mapping the curb, these tools are one step closer to becoming a reality.

